Hello and Welcome
I am Purple Soul Therapy
This journey we call life isn’t always easy and sometimes we all need a little help along the way. I’d like to guide and support you if I can. I believe mind, body, and spirit are all connected and all of these must be looked after to achieve optimum health, peace and balance in our lives.
Soul Therapy is insight gained through sensing energy and using a combination of spiritual healing with psychotherapy to help someone. I use energy techniques and tools like intuition, crystals and oracle cards and combine this with my knowledge and wisdom of traditional therapy.
I’m a qualified therapist with a Practitioner Masters in Counselling Psychology and I’ve supported people with all sorts of problems in the past. My practice has always been integrative. However, I’m not your average therapist. I’d say I’m a perceptive and very sensitive person. From a young age, I’ve always felt in tune with my spiritual self. I have had premonitions through dreams and sense people’s energy, and over the years I’ve learnt to trust my intuition more and more. For many years I shut down this since I didn’t understand it, but in the last 10 years after some profound experiences and losses, I’ve become more trusting. We all have intuition and this ability to guide us, it isn’t a special super power. It just needs to be honed into and listened to, and most of all trusted.
What I can offer
I can offer therapy, guidance, and insight with almost anything you need support with. I’ll combine my traditional training with my intuition to provide support. I reflect back and guide where I can, helping you to connect with the wisdom you already have.
Currently, I’m only able to offer online therapy and/or readings by email. If you book more than one therapy session this will involve dialogue and questions in writing.
I can use tools such as crystals and/or oracle cards if you wish. The way I work is through meditation, reflection and automatic writing.
As this is a bespoke service, I’m happy to use the methods and tools you feel most drawn to, so let me know what you would like.
My services
1 hr
30 British pounds1 hr
From 35 British pounds3 hr
75 British pounds5 hr
100 British pounds
What I need from you
A photograph of yourself (It isn’t necessary to tell me your name if you do not want to).
A description of your problem and what you need guidance with.
This is not an automated reading. It is authentic and I will need time to reflect so it may take me up to 5 days to get back to you.
Tools you can choose from
Chakra Reading
Titania Fortune Cards
Native Spirit Oracle
Spirit Messages Oracle
Ask your Guides Cards
The Psychic Tarot